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Monday, May 19, 2008

Spiritual call

Outside of us there is nothing, just inside
Outside nobody is nothing, just inside

Many years we belive that falling makes us strong
that love is a reason and sudelnly you are very lonely

Outide nothing exist just inside
Ouside the wind blows you away no doubt
We believe that we can pray and be fine but if we keep looking outside sudenly we get lost
We belive that we can believe that we can have all the power and sudenly we have nothing

Outside there is nothing, just inside
Outside nobody is anything, just inside.

This is the song of a Mexican band named Caifanes, but in this time, I realize they were saying exactly what I have on my mind so there you go a very deep meaning if you can see. For all the people that believe that they can filled up their lives by having material things will bring any good in the real world, the one to come.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Mundane Frustration

How can we give birth light from the inside? when we are not capable to take our own decisions when we are told what is good and bad, when we do not take the time and effort to find this truth, we are all living in a matrix and do not realize it, I don't know nothing! that is the only thing I know, as Socrates said, but I try to read I try to learn trought experience, through learning, living to understand and get my own point of view of the things in me and around me, I am nice and try to help whenever I can if I am asked for, I do not spect anything in return from anybody, I love to love... but I could be the worst of the humans in the world, but I am me, and I know who I am, and I own myself outside my creator, I know who I am, and nobody is going to tell me how lo live my life, what is right and wrong, because that is why my creator give me a soul, a spirit a councience and a brain! and if in a country people is not allow to be themselves and think for themselves is just wrong! Sometimes I feel like media and all the publicity is just crap to keep people living in this box with the 80 percent of negative things, things that are going in the wrong direction, and nobody stop it, because is like going against the force of the river.
I do not like when people dare to judge others, that is something nobody should do, One because is bad for the one doing it, because as you judge, God will judge you. Two, because is not your job the last of the things we came here to do is to judge and point with the finger, and to tell this one is bad, or wrong or is not good enought or their faith is not the right one, If people start to look inside themselves instead watching what others are doing or not doing with their lives, the world could be a very nice place to live in....Gosh, those things are really sickening, I know in this point I am not beeing very bright because I am hating something, yes, and that is not positive, I am hating stupidity, I have a hard or imposible time trying to tolerate Intolerance, Stupidity, Masive Manipulation, I just wish everybody could open their eyes and start living their lifes with their own dreams not the dreams of the goverment, or the dreams the media and other powers in charge want us to live.
I understand that can be confortable just stay in the line, we all have our time, their time will come for them to think about it... I hope...
I feel better now, sometimes I just need to get it out :)